There is nothing
more powerful
than an idea whose
time has come…
Victor Hugo 1802 – 1865
There is nothing
more powerful
than an idea whose
time has come…
Victor Hugo 1802 – 1865
There is nothing
more powerful
than an idea whose
time has come…
Victor Hugo 1802 – 1865
About VitroScreenORA®
VitroScreenORA® series are human cells-based scaffold-free spheroids on 96 wells format precisely designed in their natural microscale 3D architecture: they function as a miniaturized organ and rely on the dynamic evolution of cells-ECM interactions.
VitroScreenORA® spheroids grow physiologically according to the phenotypic characteristic of the donors by modifying over the time the morphological structure and metabolism, mirroring the rhythm of life as it occurs in human body.
VitroScreenORA® spheroids are a unique opportunity to enter the world of microphysiological system (MPS) and organ-on-chip (OoC) to investigate drug accumulation, metabolism and mechanism of action: downstream analysis (medium and high throughput) is optimized for each project based on genomics, proteomics and spatial biology investigations.

About VitroScreenORA®
VitroScreenORA® series are human cells-based scaffold-free spheroids on 96 wells format precisely designed in their natural microscale 3D architecture: they function as a miniaturized organ and rely on the dynamic evolution of cells-ECM interactions.
VitroScreenORA® spheroids grow physiologically according to the phenotypic characteristic of the donors by modifying over the time the morphological structure and metabolism, mirroring the rhythm of life as it occurs in human body.
VitroScreenORA® spheroids are a unique opportunity to enter the world of microphysiological system (MPS) and organ-on-chip (OoC) to investigate drug accumulation, metabolism and mechanism of action: downstream analysis (medium and high throughput) is optimized for each project based on genomics, proteomics and spatial biology investigations.

VitroScreenORA® Spheroids series at glance
VitroScreenORA® Spheroids series at glance
Scaffold free
A miniaturized organ and 3D tissue model mirroring phenotypic characteristics of the donor’s cells and related metabolic pathways.
Histo-morphological similarity reflecting the native tissue’s architecture in a miniature scale (Ø 250-350 µm).
in a physiological microenvironment, primary cells recapitulate the native tissue features: ECM deposition, organization and dynamic evolution occur slowly relying on an efficient cell-matrix interaction.
Advanced and sustainable
Standard and customizable bottom-up bioengineered 3D spheroids.
Human cells based with physiological features: mirroring the rhythm of life in healthy and disease state.
Downstream analysis medium and high throughput based on quantitative genomics, proteomics and spatial biology analysis of key biomarkers.
A 96 scalable wells plate systems produced with low cells number.
“Green” images acquisition technology thanks to widefield microscopy based on LED source.
Ready for non clinical testing
Wide applicability to Life Sciences as NAMs in R&D and preclinical projects suitable to perform long-term experimental protocols. Lifecycle of 3-4 weeks.
Key drivers of VitroScreen ORA® series applications: expertise in in Vitro Science, 3D tissues applications and regulatory requirements.
Ready to use and customized models. Our approach is suitable to be applied to personalized therapies projects and applicable to Organ-on-Chip technologies.
VitroScreenORA® Series
VitroScreenORA® Series

High Content Imaging applied to Spheroids
Within MEA approach (Multiple Endpoint Analysis) on 3D human reconstructed tissues and scaffold free spheroids the morphological analysis and biomarker localization and quantification are fundamental read out.
We are continuously strengthening our histological platform through additional capabilities and know-how: we perform standard and customized stainings, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) on 3D tissue models, skin explants and scaffold free spheroids either on paraffin blocks and whole mount samples.