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SID 2024
15 – 18 May 2024,
Dallas – USA

In Vitro Science

at Glance

In Vitro Science

at Glance

In Vitro Science

at Glance


SID 2024

15-18 May 2024, Dallas – USA

SID 2024

15-18 May 2024, Dallas – Usa

VitroScreen contributes with a presentation to the Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID) annual meeting in Dallas 15-18 May 2024.

“Dermal papilla: 3D scaffold free spheroid self-renewing mini-organ”

Date: May18th
Time: 8.40-9.40 am
Plenary Session 3 (PL3-04) Systems biology, Advanced technologies, and Imaging
Speaker: Marisa Meloni