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25 years’ experience

on 3D advanced


25 years’ experience

on 3D advanced


25 years’ experience

on 3D advanced


Non Clinical Models

Physiological and disease models on 3D Human Tissues dedicated to specific therapeutic areas and applicable to Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Nutritionals, Medical Devices and Chemicals.

Hysto-Morphology Platform

Hysto-Morphology Platform

Hysto-Morphology Platform

Within MEA approach (Multiple Endpoint Analysis) on 3D human reconstructed tissues and scaffold free spheroids, the morphological analysis and biomarkers localization and quantification are fundamental reads out. We are continuously strengthening our histological platform through additional capabilities and know-how: we perform standard and customized stainings, immunohistochemistry (IHC/IF) on 3D tissue models, skin explants and scaffold free spheroids both on paraffin blocks and on whole mount samples.